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U.S. Census Bureau Seeking Feedback on the Timeline to Update Race and Ethnicity Data in ACS (Due 8/12/24)

Posted: 8/8/2024 ()

Earlier today the U.S. Census Bureau published a Federal Register Notice (FRN) seeking feedback from the public on the timeline to implement the Office of Management and Budget’s updated Statistical Policy Directive No. 15 for Federal race and ethnicity data on the American Community Survey (ACS). The information gathered through this FRN will be taken into consideration as the U.S. Census Bureau continues to evaluate the practicability of implementing the updated race and ethnicity data standards into either the 2026 ACS or the 2027 ACS. The FRN recognizes that implementing the updated SPD 15 in the ACS as quickly as possible is essential, and indicates that based on their initial assessment, implementation in ACS data collection will be targeted for 2027, with dissemination of data products to then begin in 2028.


You may submit comments through August 12, 2024 at the Federal Register or